Laundry baskets

oval willow laundry basket with inset handles

oval willow laundry basket with inset handles

I know it sounds boring – a post about laundry baskets. But hauling laundry is one task that almost everyone has to do and a basket is still a good tool for the task. So why not choose a willow basket that is both durable and attractive. The oval laundry basket with inset handles is my favorite.

basic round laundry basket

basic round laundry basket

The basic round laundry basket with roped handles is based on a Swiss potato basket. Actually, many of the forms that Katherine uses for laundry baskets are influenced by the willow basketry classes that she took from Werner Turtschi. Werner is an excellent teacher who came to the Pacific Northwest a number of times. The great thing about the roped handles is that they can be replaced if they are damaged or wear out. By the way, “roped” refers to the technique not material of the handles.

Christie's colorful laundry basket

Christie’s colorful laundry basket

Some people would like a larger basket to accommodate larger or more than one loads. The basket above was made for one of our neighbors who wanted many colors in the basket especially the purples and reds. She wanted a larger basket but her doorways made it necessary to go tall rather than wide. The basket below was made for a customer in Massachusetts who wanted a basket large enough to carry two wet loads of laundry back from the laundromat to the home clothesline.

two load laundry basket

two load laundry basket

Finally there is the square basket. These are very nice for the folded laundry, though they can be a bit large for navigating doors and halls.

square willow laundry basket

square willow laundry basket

After you get the basket for the laundry room, you’ll need a hamper for the dirty clothes!

willow clothes hampers

willow clothes hampers

Like always, you can find out more about Katherine’s baskets at our website.
