Celebrate Skagit Art is an annual art show sponsored by Skagitonians to Preserve Farmland and coordinated by Skagit Artists Together. It is a great opportunity to appreciate the work of local artists who are inspired by the working landscapes of the Skagit Valley. Part of the art sales will benefit the group’s work to protect agricultural lands here. The show is generously hosted by the La Conner Seaside Gallery. The artists opening reception is Saturday, July 18 from 6:30 – 8:30pm.
Katherine is submitting the basket in the photo which she has named “Furrow”. This basket is a tray 38 inches long by 11 inches wide. It has a rectangular frame base with scallomed on stakes and double French randing for the weaving. It is woven with Skagit grown willow ,of course! Unlike most of the artists participating, Katherine is not only inspired by but has been directly involved with agriculture for 27 years, 15 of them in the Skagit Valley.
The show opens the same weekend as the annual Skagit Artists Together Studio Tour. Katherine and Dunbar Gardens will be on the tour again this year Saturday & Sunday, July 18 & 19, 10am-6pm. More about this event closer to the dates.